Crack open your business model with the partnership canvas!

Most of you will know that I have an on-going project to develop a partnership design tool called the partnership canvas. It’s an add-on tool to the business model canvas, designed for having better and clearer conversations about business model innovation through partnerships.

I’m happy to announce that I’m taking the partnership canvas project to the next level. I’m currently collaborating with Wim Vanhaverbeke, who is professor of Strategy and Innovation at Hasselt University in Belgium, and at ESADE Business School in Spain. Wim is an experienced researcher and consultant on the topic of open innovation, and has been key in creating awareness on the topic together with Henry Chesbrough through several joint publications, and by launching the European Innovation Forum.

Together, we’ll be writing a series of blog posts, and academic articles on the partnerships and open innovation. Also, we’ll feature the partnership canvas in an upcoming management book on open innovation called Managing and Organising Open Innovation (MOOI).

How can you get involved?

  1. As first step in our collaboration, we’ve just shipped our first post about the need for improving communication about partnerships on Linkedin. Do share it, and we’d love to hear your thoughts! And, since you’re so close to the source, I’ll already reveal here that our next post will be about the partnership design process, and how to define clear hypotheses for testing your partnerships designs. Stay tuned for more updates on this blog! (sign up on the right ->)
  2. Join the Partnership Design Linkedin community!
    Link up with other partnership professionals? Advice or input on your partnership design? Join the Partnership Design Linkedin community!