The Starbucks bottled Frappuccino business model

In the early 1990’s, as Starbucks started taking off as a company, Howard Schulz (CEO) was looking out for new opportunities to leverage the brand. One of the options which the company pursued was to enter the (supermarket) retail segment. The idea was to bring cold dairy-based ready to drink coffee to the shelves. The potential for bringing the Starbucks experience to the retail shelves was great, yet this terrain without espresso machines and baristas was also unfamiliar to the company. Starbucks needed to develop an entirely new business model for entry, and forge a key partnership to do so. In this post I will sketch out this business model, and its partnership using my recently published Partnership Proposition Canvas (v0.4).

The business model
After a period of trial and error with cold coffee drinks in the then dawning market for such products, Starbucks made a fit with a bottled version of their infamous Frappuccino. This product proved to be a hit in the Starbucks outlets in the summertime. From 1995 onwards Frappuccino would immediately be available in every home and office with a fridge.

Starbucks Frappuccino business model

The Frappuccino business model

Although it would seem straightforward for Starbucks to manifest itself in this market with its own production line and channels to customers, it realized it didn’t have what it took to pull it off. Starbucks had no capabilities to develop and mass-produce bottled or canned dairy-based coffee drinks, nor to distribute them through the supermarket retail channel. The company knew it needed a partner.

The PepsiCo partnership
In order to launch its Frappuccino product, Starbucks sealed a partnership with PepsiCo (then known as Pepsi Cola) a year earlier in 1994. This partnership was of tremendous value for Starbucks’ new venture. PepsiCo had solid experience in product development, and an extensive sales and distribution network in the retail segment. Also, PepsiCo had access to a dairy bottling plant network through its partnership with Dairy Farmers of America (DFA).

In return, Starbucks could offer PepsiCo a first foothold in the growing non-carbonated soft drinks market, with its brand, and experience in processing quality coffee. Using the Partnership Proposition Canvas (v0.4) the construction of the partnership between Starbucks and PepsiCo can be visualized

The Partnership Proposition Canvas (CC+ license) for the Starbucks PepsiCo partnership.

When overlooking all the pieces of this partnership, it’s interesting to see that Starbucks could potentially have made do with arms-length relations for processing, marketing and sales, as well as distribution. That is job work. It could have been contracted out under an exclusive agreement.

The critical factor determining the close nature of the partnership appears to be that of product development (marked in blue above). Starbucks has the knowledge on coffee, but PepsiCo has better capabilities for developing canned and bottled beverages. Such dependency in product development creates a notoriously vague and sensitive situation in the exchange between companies. Intellectual property boundaries are highly uncertain.

The logical outcome of the tension in the partnership was thus to create 50/50 joint venture between Starbucks and PepsiCo, which was named the North American Coffee Partnership (NACP). Under this construction both companies would be assured that each would profit from the fruits of their product innovations.

The North American Coffee Partnership business model
So it appears that we’re not dealing with a Starbucks exclusive business model with a PepsiCo partnership, but with a whole new company, with its own business model. The NACP is a dedicated company for developing and marketing ready to drink Starbucks-branded coffee.

To make things more complicated, both Starbucks and PepsiCo function as key partners in the NACP business model (below). Starbucks provides a license to its brand. PepsiCo has a more extensive partner contribution. It covers production, advertising, distribution, sales. This last role is significant as PepsiCo takes physical ownership of the product. In effect, NACP only has PepsiCo as paying customer. DFA has the role of processing the product.

The North American Coffee Partnership business model

Since its founding, NACP is continuously developing its portfolio, launching new products like the DoubleShot, and Starbucks coffee beans. Through the PepsiCo network, the joint venture is also expanding to new markets, teaming up for instance with European dairy giant Arla, in the same way as DFA in the United States. Currently the joint venture accounts for about 60% of a global billion dollar growing market for ready to drink coffee; an impressive feat for two companies that started off exploring new terrain.

Key take-aways:

  1. When an existing company designs a new business model to add to its portfolio, it usually enters a whole new market and value network. Partnerships can be used to accelerate and improve on execution
  2. A joint venture is a very tricky type of partnership. Actually, it isn’t even a partnership. A joint venture is an organizational form for a stand-alone business model
  3. The Partnership Proposition Canvas can be used to figure out what value your options for partnering hold, and at what point it starts making sense to share equity with your partner

The partnership proposition canvas: designing your value network

[Ed. 17-10-2014 We have an updated version of this partnership tool]

Alex Osterwalder’s business model canvas is proving to be an indispensable tool in the process of business model innovation. It trawls your sets of ideas for those innovations where you can improve on, or create novelty in bringing value to the customer. Also, there are exciting new developments to this tool, such as the value proposition canvas, which can be used as a plugin. The business model canvas is ideal for gearing your business for market disruption, toppling your competitors with a proposition that best fits to current customer needs.

Yet, there is one important aspect in the process of market disruption, that the business model canvas doesn’t take into account in detail, namely the value network, located at the back-end of the business model. As Clay Christensen, and Richard Rosenbloom (1995) wrote,

“The key consideration is whether the performance attributes implicit in the innovation will be valued within networks already served by the innovator, or whether other networks must be addressed or new ones created in order to realize value for the innovation.”

Forging the value network partnerships, which are required to make your business model work, is not an easy task. Potential partner businesses are already part of other existing value networks, and it is often not self-evident for them to engage with you in a partnership; they would rather stay in the relations they’re currently in. The upshot is that in order to realize a new business model, we not only need to convince our end users to prefer our idea, but we also have to motivate others within the value network to stop using our competitors. In this blog post I will present a prototype of a new business tool, that helps you in designing your partnerships, and intends to work seamlessly together with the business model canvas.

Available tools
It is my experience in discussing key partnerships with the business model canvas, that the discussion remains constrained to what I would need as a complement to my own business model, ie. what I would like to use my value network for. But a partnership is not just about my business model. It is a two-way relation. The questions I see myself asking in addition are:

  • What position do I have in approaching potential partners? What can I offer that is of value to them?
  • How can I assess the balance between what I offer my partner, and what I obtain in return?
  • How can I best utilize these returns from my partnership for use in my own business model?

… and I keep guessing about the answers.

There are tools out there, value mapping being the most prominent of them. You can find a great feature of this tool in Vijay Kumar’s latest: 101 Design Methods. However, the inherent problem with this tool is that is primarily an analytical tool. It does not carry the conversation forward to creating the actionable hypotheses, which are required to validate a new business model. Just like the business model canvas, value mapping only provides guidance on possible outcomes for thinking about partnerships, not on how to specifically arrive at an outcome. There is thus a need for asking even better questions about your business model, making your thinking on partnerships more granular.

A prototype tool for discussing partnerships
Something that comes closer to a resolve of this issue is the value network exchange process between two partners that Verna Allee (2008) describes in het work. Verna defines an exchange relation in a value network as a 3 step process:

  1. value input to the relationship (what do you bring to the table?)
  2. value enhancement (how can you enhance the value you can provide to your partner?)
  3. value conversion (how can you make use of the value that your partner holds?)

Expanding on this, I’ve broken these 3 steps down into 8 building blocks. Each building block contains its own questions that need to be asked in order to achieve the flow of value between your business model and a specific partner.

Screen Shot 2013-07-05 at 1.58.02 PMThe content of this table can be rendered into a canvas structure. I have dubbed this the partnership proposition canvas.

Partnership Proposition Canvas

The partnership proposition canvas (v0.4): rendered from The Business Model Canvas ( 
and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Un-ported License

How does the partnership proposition canvas work?
This canvas can be used either as a stand-alone tool, or in conjoint design with the business model canvas, as a zoom-in tool. You can use the partnership proposition canvas when you have validated the primary hypotheses relating to your value proposition-customer fit, and are looking to validate the rest of your business model. As Steve Blank explains in the (free!) Udacity Lean Launch Pad class: you can’t begin early enough with exploring potential partnerships.

Linking the partnership proposition and business model canvas

The partnership proposition canvas has a two level relation with the business model canvas. First, key activities and key resources need to match in both. Secondly,  “usable forms” in the partnership proposition canvas need to be relevant and applicable in any of the other building blocks of the business model canvas. This way you can indicate how a specific partnership adds value. The added value from your partnership can be evaluated by comparing the cost structure of the partnership, with the returns from application of the “usable forms” in your business model canvas.

Matching the back-end of the business model canvas

Matching the partnership proposition canvas with the back-end of the business model canvas

"Usable forms" and the business model building blocks

The “usable form” building block should contain elements, which fit back into the business model canvas.

2 Examples
I’ve worked out two cases to demonstrate how the partnership proposition canvas works. The first is case of a company that has really taken its partnership strategy to the next level: the relation between Nespresso and its machine manufacturers. The second is a relationship gone sour: the relation between Apple, and its component manufacturer Samsung.

Nespresso and the machine manufacturers
Nespresso’s business model is famous for the relation it has set up with its partners, the machine manufacturers. The manufacturers have their own distribution channels through which they market their versions of the Nespresso machines. This dramatically increases the reach of the Nespresso concept, because once you buy the machine, you’re also stuck to buying the coffee pods.

But what would compel these manufacturers to make their distribution channels available? The partnership proposition canvas below shows how this is done

Nespresso partnership model

Machine manufactures have 3 assets that Nespresso doesn’t have, namely manufacturing facilities, a product distribution network, and product marketing. These are the desired assets that Nespresso wants to make use of.

Nespresso offers manufacturers three propositions: a license for using their technology to build the machines, a co-branding opportunity for marketing them, and providing a one-stop-shop for product returns. Nespresso’s condition for giving out this proposition is that the manufacturer co-designs its machines with Nespresso, and that they co-design the machine advertisements. This is firstly to safeguard the overall look and feel of the Nespresso concept. Also this compact supports changes to machine designs as the Nespresso R&D department periodically comes up with new technologies. As a deliverable to the arrangement, Nespresso includes the machines in their advertisement activities. On top of that Nespresso also offers to market the machines through its own and flagship stores, and defective machines back if they’re still under warranty.

What does Nespresso get in return that it can utilize for its own business model? Firstly of course, the mentioned access to the manufacturer’s distribution channel. But there’s more! The offer is apparently so appealing to manufacturers, that Nespresso is even able to seize a percentage of the sales of the machine through the Nespresso stores out of the deal, as well as a small license fee. When looking at the bottom line of this partnership, it creates more than enough value to offset the cost of running the partnership.

Apple and Samsung
The Apple-Samsung relationship dates back to 2005. Apple was looking for a stable supplier that could realize the replacement of the hard disk drive in its iPods with flash memory, and could at the same time meet the supply requirement for its upcoming line of other portable devices. At that time there weren’t many players out there who could supply that technology at the volumes and quality required by Apple: “Whoever controls flash is going to control this space in consumer electronics,” Steve Jobs said. Not only did Samsung fit the requirement as a supplier of flash memory, it also would deliver processors, and screens of high quality for iPods, iPhones, and iPads, fitting to Apple’s huge quality and energy saving demands.

So, what does this partnership look like?

Apple - Samsung partnership model

Apple offers Samsung an exclusive procurement relation, where Apple will only buy its desired components from Samsung on a long-term basis. The steady growth in sales of i-devices backs the long term value of the proposal. Also, joint development of processors is a crucial part of the deal, as that requires capabilities that Apple doesn’t have on itself. As a deliverable, Apple purchases components, and shares sales projections, so that Samsung can coordinate its supply. The tricky bit of this arrangement is though that Samsung has also become very active on the mobile devices market since initiation of this partnership on 2005. That’s why the compact includes a confidentiality agreement, where Samsung’s components division is forbidden to share Apple sales forecasts with its mobile devices division.

Currently this relationship appears to be outlasted. Where Apple initially took advantage of the fact that Samsung was the largest manufacturer of flash drives in the early days when sales for the iPod really started to grow, Samsung has now turned into Apple’s main competitor on the mobile devices market. The confidentiality arrangement is put under pressure as the rivalry between the two companies on the consumer market heightens. Now that Samsung’s advantage as a flash drive manufacturer has lost significance due to more able rivals being active on the market, and due to the fact that it is directly competing with Apple, the relationship is downgraded. It is reduced to a basic component supplier relationship with limited added value (and potentially it is even a leaky risk!).  Quite clearly, the relation is under pressure, and Apple needs to innovate with new relations and new partners.

The partnership proposition canvas is a first attempt at creating an actionable tool that can support design from the back-end of the business model. It is informed by value web mapping tools that analyze how an industry’s value network exchanges value. Insights from such analytical tools can be used in the partnership proposition canvas to create actionable hypotheses for experimenting with new relationships in your value network, helping you build a strong business model.

The tool is still at an early stage and will be prototyped by more practitioners over the coming weeks. I hope that this blog post has captured your interest. If so I would really like to invite you to give this canvas a spin, and provide me with straight up feedback on how it works for you. More to come in this space!

Download the partnership proposition canvas template in powerpoint with stickies here:

Key take aways:

1)   Value networks matter for business model design
2)   Your key partner relations are more specific than mere supplier relations. You are often looking for complex forms of (non-monetary) value from your partners to support your own business model operations, and you need to deliver something matching in return.
3)   Your partnership is temporary. What you need in search mode is different than the partnership you will need in execution mode, and even then your relations won’t last forever. Your partnership is thus likely to develop over the period of developing your business. The partnership proposition canvas can help you adapt to those upcoming requirements.

I would like to express my gratitude to Ernst Houdkamp for reviewing this blog post before publishing, encouraging me to make it as simple as possible. I hope this has worked out. I will be prototyping this canvas together with Ernst over the coming weeks to observe how it is used and learn about the needed refinements.

Literature used:

Allee, V. (2008), “Value network analysis and value conversion of tangible and intangible assets” Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 9 Nr. 1, pp 5-24

Christensen, C.M. and Rosenbloom, R.S. (1995), “Explaining the attacker’s advantage: technological paradigms, organizational dynamics, and the value network” Research Policy, 24, pp. 233-257